Nissan Repair: my car stalled and started to smoke, coffee creamer, blown hose
QuestionQUESTION: I was drivin an came to a stop sign an my car died an all dash lights came on.... i tried to start the car an it wouldnt start it was smoking really bad from under hood
ANSWER: Desiree,
I would assume it has overheated from the smoke and not wanting to start. You will need to have the engine checked for overheating to see if anything has been damaged and have the overheat condition repaired. Could be anything from the thermostat to a blown hose. Have it checked out and email me back with what you find.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I was told today I possibly have a cracked head uncle is going to have it looked at to find out for sure...His friend came out and hooked up a compression thing to it and said he thinks that was what it mom said if I didn't have anti freeze in the spark plugs or oil it might not be that...I will follow up with you when I know for sure thank you for your help...
There are several ways a headgasket can fail. One is for the gasket to blow between cylinders. That would really reduce horsepower and the car would run rough. Another way is for antifreeze to leak into the oil and that is evidenced by the oil looking like coffee creamer. The last way is for the headgasket to blow to where antifreeze gets into the combustion chamber. With this it runs rough and smokes. My bet is it is the last of these.