Nissan Repair: Head gasket replacement, head gasket replacement, twin cam 16
QuestionI have a 1991 240sx twin cam 16 valve eng. that needs head gasket replaced just trying to get a few pointers or things to be aware of in replaceing it any suggestions would be greatly appriciated.
thank you
Have the head checked for cracks at a machine shop if it was run for a time with a blown headgasket. About $40 bucks for them to do the test. Also, make sure both the deck and head surface are clean and flat. I like to get a new file and draw file the surfaces to make sure they are clean, no high spots, and straight. A straight edge and a feeler gauge is good to check flatness. Clean the bolts and threads and follow the instructions on what lubricant to use along with which sealer. I like FelPro gaskets personally unless I have access to factory Nissan ones.