QuestionQUESTION: How can you release the door lock of a Nissan Sentra 1400 1994 model ..Key and linkages does not work, and door is locked and dont open
ANSWER: Hi Michael -
Is this an electric lock?
What happens when you insert the key in the lock, or try to unlock from inside? Does it move freely, or is it stuck?
Please get back to me -
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: This is not an electric lock ...Using the key it is a bit stucky...From the inside the linkages moves smooth, but it does not release at all
AnswerHi Michael -
Looks like you have a jammed lock mechanism. I think the linkage came off for the inside door release.
Anyway, first of all, you might want to try to shoot some WD40 into the keyhole and keep playing with the lock and trying to unlock it. It is probably not the key cylinder, but sometimes the lubricant migrates into the latch. If you can somehow get some lubricant into the latch are, that might help.
the only other way to unlock is using a slim jim.
Hope this helps -