Nissan Repair: digital dash, vehicle speed sensor, speedometer cable
QuestionHi, i got two questions..first one is that my digital analog went out on me but my gas and other simple lights like brake,doors, etc still goes on and works perfectly fine and i was wondering what could be the problem..second question is it possible to change from digital to a regualr analog..this is all for a 86 300zx,turbo,2 seater..thanks..
First, you could switch to analog but the sensors need to be switched. A doner car would be the cheapest option to do that one. It is much cheaper to discover the problem. On yours the vehicle speed sensor usually fails first. That is on the transmission and plugs in where the speedometer cable used to plug in on older models. Second the driver board or display itself is burnt out. Gettting it repaired would be on the order of $300 bucks and you will need to do some hunting locally or on-line to find a shop that does it. The cheapest alternative is to source a used one and replace yours with it. The nice part about this option is you get all the other gauges in case one of yours fails in the future.