Nissan Repair: Car Stops when going to lower speeds, nissan sentra 2001, mass airflow sensor

Nissan -Sentra -2001 ( SE-2.0)

My Car stops & needs to be started again
a) Moving from higher speeds to lower speeds (60 to 20's )
b) Stopping at Stop Signs

It is happening all the time. I took it to a mechanic & he is not sure of the problem . Has recommended to change the rotor Cap, Spark Plugs & Gaskits (I am not sure that he was able to get to the problem) .

Can you help me with the cause of the issue


A tuneup is a good first step.  Also, I would have the mechanic check the mass airflow sensor as these are known to fail on your car.  But, if your car does not exhibit problems other than what you describe I would do the tuneup first and check the idle air control valve and clean the throttle body before I did anything like the mass airflow sensor.  Email me back if you need more.