Nissan Repair: ATF for 1998 Sentra 1.6, automatic transmission fluid, nissan sentra

Hi.  I have a 1998 Nissan Sentra with a 1.6 engine and would like to please know what type and how much automatic transmission fluid the car needs?  Please advise, thanks.


Dextron II is fine.  I like to use the fluid from the Nissan dealer.  But, Dextron would be fine.  Takes about four quarts with a filter change or if you just drain the pan.  The rest of the fluid is in the torque converter and there is no drain for that.  Put in three and a half and then start the car and run it through the gears while on a flat surface.  Do not drive it.  Now, put it back in park and check the fluid with the stick and add until full about a pint at a time until at the full line.  Do not over tighten the bolts on the pan as they just need to be snug.