Nissan Repair: 97 Maxima Electrical Problem, electrical problem, rule of thumb

My 97 Maxima is having a problem starting.  When I get into the car, the running lights on the door turn on, and when I put the key in the ignition the appropriate lights turn on, also.  However, when I turn the key in the ignition, there is a clicking sound, and all the lights in the car as well as the dashboard turn off and the ignition does not engage.  All the lights stay off until I slam the door or move the steering wheel around again, at which point they turn on again and the cycle repeats.  What kind of electrical problem would you say I have?  Thank you.

Hi Alex -

First of all, look for a loose connection with your battery terminals. Clean all corrosion and rust off, especially with the positive terminal of the battery.

Secondly, it could be the battery itself. Common rule of thumb is, replace the battery every 2 years regardless. Better than getting stuck somewhere.

Hope this helps -