Nissan Repair: 1991 Nissan Hardbody, speed sensors, pencil eraser
QuestionHello, I've had my nissan for a long time and just recently started driving it again. My speedometer doesn't work/register properly, and on occasion, my fuel hand does the same. I didn't know if these trucks had speed sensors on the transmission, or if they were cable operated. Any advice would be greatly apprciated.
The speedometer should be a sensor where the cable actually used to go on the transmission. If this does not do the trick and it probably won't since you say that the fuel gauge is messing up too. That usually means that the cluster is not working properly or the connector is corroded. Remove the cluster and clean the connector and the contacts with a number 2 pencil eraser. Blow off the dust and reinstall. All you are doing here is lightly brushing the contacts to get the corrosion off. If this does not do the trick replace the cluster with one from a wrecking yard or check out sources on-line like ebay and such...