QuestionQUESTION: Hi! I am trying to fix my headliner on my 93 Nissan E two-door. I asked my body shop to remove the headliner for me so that I could scrape off the old foam etc., and stick on new headliner fabric, and they now tell me that they can't take it out because the windshield has to be removed! Is that true? How can you take the headliner out? IF the windshield has to come out, then any suggestions on where to go to get that done where it won't cost a fortune?! My husband can do it if the windshield DOESN'T have to be taken out, but needs instructions. Can't find any for my car on the web. I just fought the insurance company to repair it after it was rear-ended and "totaled," and I really want to do this one cosmetic thing to make the car look brand new. Thanks for any help.
ANSWER: Vanessa,
Yes, the windshield has to come out if yours is not a hatch back. Which, from the sound of it it is not. A pain in the butt is to scrape off the old cloth and foam and clean it up and then take it to an upholstry shop and have them glue the new material on. You really do not want to do that yourself as it is messy and if you screw up any overspray will be permanent.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hello Mr. Von Sudderth!
Thank you so much for your last answer! One more question, and then we'll leave you alone, I promise! We got our car back from the body shop. I have arranged to have the windshield replaced (it's got a couple of dings, so it's worthwhile), but when we looked at it, we saw that the headliner is NOT attached to the windshield. We can actually put our fingers underneath it and pull it away about half an inch. So, assuming that that is the case (or we go ahead with plan B to take out the windshield if we find it really is necessary) is it possible for you to just give us the necessary steps and order of how (my husband is quite handy, can change out radios etc.) to take the columns and whatever out to remove the headliner? I would be most grateful. I am determined to give my car a new life after nearly being towed!
Thank you! By the way, you are providing a wonderful service to us novices. Thank you so much.
The problem you have is the headliner is one big piece of fiber board with the foam and cloth covering it. To get it out of the car you would have to break it unless it could slide out the back hatch. Getting it out one of the doors will not work without breaking it. So, if it were me and you were going to get the windshield replaced I would first go to a wrecking yard and get one and do your magic on it and clean and replace the material. Then, call the glass people and have yours ready to lift out. Remove tbhe dome light, trim, visors and such and when the windshild is out do the switch. That would save time from having the glass guys having to come back after you got your headliner redone.