Nissan Repair: 2005 Nissan Altima Manual Transmission Problems, nissan altima 2005, 2005 nissan altima
I just bought a Nissan Altima 2005 with 73000 Km, manual transmission. After 3 weeks, suddenly I can not put the car in reverse. All my trials got the car moving forwards only. It seems that the shift does not lock in position. If you can please advise.
No reverse! If that means you cannot shift into reverse then the shifter or shift fork are messed up. If you can shift into reverse, and it feels normal, but it does not move the car would mean the shift fork or linkage is broken. Now, if it does not lock into position. That is, it is kicking out it could just be an adjustment. Try to shift into reverse, hold it where it is supposed to be and let out on the clutch. If it works then you know the gear is good and the shifter is messed up where it connects to the transmission.