Nissan Repair: I put a new batery on my truck but i mixed the cables, batery, fuses
QuestionMy Nissan Pick up 86 wouldn't start and it seemed like it was the battery so i went and got a new battery, but when i put it on i put the cables in the wrong side and a fuse that is next to the battery started burning so i disconnected the cables and after that everything seem to be dead on the truck.. i was wondering what i had burn, what do you think could be?
You will need to replace the master fuse and connect the battery properly. Next, you will end up going through all the fuses on the truck to see which ones blew. Try to start the truck. If it starts you are in luck and the computer is not fried. If it does not start you are going to have to look at the ECM master fuse and make sure it is good. If it is and it was not blown look at the ignition fuse. There is a good chance that the alternator might be cooked too. What I am saying here is that sometimes you get lucky and only fuses blow. But, other times several systems get cooked. It is just a matter of diagnosis of each until you get all of them fixed.