Nissan Repair: leaking coolant, coolant water, coolant level
Questiona few days ago i notice my temp gauge was close to hot on my 96 maxima . when i got home i added more coolant to the reservior to the max line. the next day i drove around and noticed the reservior cap was missing , the coolant level was at the bottom of the reservior , and there was coolant dripping on the ground ( just a small puddle). is my thermostat stuck or worn out or is it my water pump?
AnswerHi Larry -
First of all, wait til the engine is cold, and open the radiator cap, not the reservoir. Fill it with a 50/50 coolant water mix, replace the cap, and then start the engine. Note on the bottom of the car if you see fluid leaking out. If so, then let me know what area of the car it is dripping and I can try to help you isolate. If there are no drips, then run it normally and keep checking your temp gauge. If it heats up again, it could be a stuck thermostat, or your electric fan could be broken. If the fan is running, then probably is the thermostat. Of course, if it starts leaking after warm up, check the area of the leak, and get back to me -
Hope this helps -