Nissan Repair: Timing chain Nissan Maxima, timing chain replacement, chain stretches
QuestionIn your response to Chrissy about timing chain replacement you said "when the timing starts to go crazy" can you explain what you meant by that ? And can you also tell me should I buy the kit and replace everything in the kit or just the chain ? Thanks
The timing chain drives the cams and the waterpump and its tension is provided via an oil pressure fed tensioner. If the tensioner gets plugged or the chain stretches or the chain guides wear beyound limits the chain has the ability to move and touch the inside of the timing cover eating away aluminum. Metal fragments in the oil is not a good thing nor is having plastic from the guides floating around in the oil. I would get on the phone with and get a timing kit that includes a new chain, guides and a waterpump. Also, get a can of the Nissan sealer and a new front seal for the crank. Then expect a whole day to do the job. If you pace yourself on a Saturday it is just a matter of jacking up the vehicle and removing the passenger side tire and inner fenderwell and start the disassembly process.