Nissan Repair: 95 nissan maxima dead, no lights no electrical current, nissan maxima, meter panel
i have a 95 nissan maxima. Recently I got a new battery and new spark plugs installed. I has been running good, but then, one day I drove and parked, everything was fine. When I returned my electronic key (security alarm key) would not not work. So i open the door manually and all systems are dead in the car. No lights on the meter panel when I turn the key to ignition, no horn, no headlight. The car is electrically dead. We jump started and then everything was fine for a month, then again the same thing happened yesterday. Can you please tell what could be wrong. I got the battery checked, the mechanic says battery is good and the connectors to the battery also look ok (no salt deposits)
I would check the battery again and if good then back track the cables from the battery to the starter and ground harness. The terminals might be good but the connections they make to the car might just be loose or corroded at the ground point and the starter.