Nissan Repair: CAR WONT START, crank angle sensor, volt ohm meter
QuestionI had a 2001 Nissan maxima that park in garage over winter time and it won't start after that. Make it clear it started only less than a second and will not fire again. I changed all the spark plugs and checked to see it will sparks at all, and it did spark. Checked the fuel pump and it in good working condition means the pressure is good. Checked the ECU code and there is no CODE. It is possible all the injector were bads or there is a relay for the injector is bads. if so where it is locate.
I would start by checking the injector pulse width with a volt ohm meter set to 100 ohm range. Unplug an injector and see if it is getting a signal by using the meter probes to touch the two wires in the connector harness. If you do not have signal check the injector circuit. You say no codes so that must mean that the crank angle sensor is good. Email me back with what you find and we'll go from there.