QuestionQUESTION: Hi, My son has a '88 Nissan 300zx Turbo. He just had the timing belt replaced and new tensioner. The first mechanic he took it to to replace the timing belt(just as preventative maintainance no less)apparently screwed it up because after about a week or two of driving it(not very frequently) he went to start it one day and it made an awful noise so he didn't even try to start it again for fear of blowin the motor.This was last fall.So anyway since it was in the fall and he was going to take it off the road anyway for the winter and he didn't have $$$ to fix it again right away anyway, he just took it off the road and waited until this spring to fix it. Not trusting the first mechanic he took it to a foreign car specialist and just like he thought it was the timing belt and tensioner.The new mechanic said he was VERY lucky it didn't blow the motor-apparently it was over tightened and a bolt broke.... So anyway $400 for first mechanic $900+ for 2nd mechanic (had brakes checked out-bled air from system also),he gets his car back and it seems to be running fine for day or so. So now the car won't start when the engine is hot. It seems to start fine when cold (idles a little rough) but if he drives it for a while, shuts it off and tries starting it again about 10 mins later or so it won't start.If he waits 1/2 hr or so then tries it will start again. Sometimes blueish smoke.So do you have any idea what the problem could be?? Not alot of $$$ right now to take it back to the TRUSTED mechanic right now. Kinda hoping something he can take care of himself.. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks PS It sat all winter of course without starting it at all. He has also just changed the air filter and fuel filter thinking that might help.(it didn't)
ANSWER: Hi Kelley -
Thanks for the detailed explanation. It helps a lot.
I need to ask if the engine dies while hot? or just doesn't start while it is hot?
Let me know and we will go to the next step -
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi, First of all thanks for the quick response. To answer your question- No, the engine doesn't die while hot.It just doesn't start.Someone else suggested faulty fuel pressure regulator?? We don't know about this because apparently there's some test for it where you remove the vacuum hose from top of regulator and rev the engine and if gas spurts out it could be bad? Well he did that and no gas spurted.Someone else says maybe the timing is a hair off? We just don't know,so any help you could provide would be appreciated.Also it smokes more while going down the road rather than just idling if that matters.
AnswerHi Kelley -
OK, There are a couple basic things you might try first before we go on.
First of all, have you tried replacing the distributor cap and rotor? Sometimes there is carbon tracking and car will not start. Also check all spark plug and distributor wire connections for corrosion. Pull it off one by one and replace it back one by one so you do not get mixed up.
SAecondly, replace the ignition module, located in the distributor. This part should be attached to the distributor base with a couple small bolts, and has wires attached at both ends.
The smoking is another issue. Bluish/gray smoke is always oil burning, so perhaps it is the valve seals.
Please get back to me so we can continue -