Nissan Repair: alarm system/car not starting, battery cables, car lights

I went to go and start my car today... I had left my car lights on on my 1997 altima. I then had someone attempt to jump the car. When they hooked up the cables and the battery began to charge the alarm started to go off. I attempted to stop the alarm by hitting the remote and trying to do the drivers side key. Neither worked. Then my friend (Who obviously knows more about cars than I do) Took these square things off of where the alarm system is located (I obviously dont know what these are called) It stopped the alarm... but my car still wouldn't start. When he replaced them the alarm would continue to go off. So we unhooked the battery cable that controlled the horn, blinkers, radio, gages, and alarm system. My Car started but it sounded funny and if you connected the cable back up the alarm system would go off again. I got my car home... but I have no idea how to fix the problem... And me being a poor college student... I have no other place to turn. Please help!

Hi Corinne -

Wow, must have been an experience! I am glad you got your car home, though.

OK, let's start one at a time - The square things your friend took out were the fuses for your alarm system. Leave them out for now, so you can reconnect the battery cables, That is important.

Since the battery got drained, you will first need to recharge the battery to how it was. I do not recommend driving it around to recharge it, as it looks like it is pretty low, and you will cause extra stress on the alternator. You do not want to end up paying hundreds for a new alternator when you can spend a few dollars to recharge you battery. With the fuses for your alternator out, and battery cables connected to your battery, jump the car again and take it to the nearest place where you can charge it up.

Once the battery is recharged, then we can look at the alarm, and why it goes off like that. Perhaps it is even because of the battery that it is acting like that. With a weak battery, the car may not react to the signal the remote gives it to silence.

If you are so inclined, I would like to see a picture of the alarm wiring as it is in the engine compartment, especially if it is near the battery. Can you do that? You may email me at [email protected] with the attachment.

Hope this helps Corrine - please get back to me