Nissan Repair: shift lever wont move, screwdriver blade, nissan maxima
Questionhi, i got a 97 nissan maxima. i got a problem with the transmission. the shift lever button cant be deppressed so i cant move the Transmission from park to other position. i check out the brakelights and its working just fine. what can i do so i can change the shift lever to other position? by the way the i can easily start the engine and turn it off and able to pull the key out with ease.
The shift interlock is stuck or the switch on the brake pedal is worn out. You can shift out of park by inserting a screwdriver blade or other small long instrument in the over-ride slot on the shifter plate. Look at the console, where the shifter sticks through the console and you should have a small access point. Remove the cover if yours still has one and insert the end of the screwdriver blade into the hole and the car should shift out of park. You will have to do this each time until the interlock is repaired. You can test the brake switch by bridging it. There are two, one does the brake lights and the other does the interlock. A paperclip on the connector, with the key on should show if the interlock works. Be sure to have the parking brake on and chock the tires so the car does not jump when you shift out of park. If this does not work it is the interlock on the shifter and that means a new interlock servo and basically you remove the shifter and under it is the servo that needs replacement.