Recently I tried changing the spark plugs on my 91 Nissan Maxima. Simple right? Turned the key and the car began to idle erratically and had a slight random knock, or thwack noise, that was not to loud, but still noticeable. Sometimes it would almsot die. I made sure that each spark plug wire was connected to the right spark plug, and double checked. I touched nothing else, and tried the origianl spark plugs back in. Same thing. I also tried new spark plug wires. Still same symptoms. It seems like a timing issue, but the car ran fine before being switched off to change the plugs. Only the plugs and plug wires were touched, and they are definately correctly placed. Can you help me figure out whats wrong?
AnswerHi Edward -
This has to be the ignition wires. Please check it once again.
Remove the distributor cap and turn the engine until you reach Top dead center (The notch on the engine pulley is lined up with the pointer). Ensure that the distributor rotor is pointing to the number one spark plug wire tower of the cap. Now you have found your base for checking the rest.
The 3 cylinders closest to the firewall, starting from the passenger side of the car would be cylinders 1, 3 and 5, and the 3 on the other side, 2, 4, and 6.
The distributor turns clockwise, and the firing order is 1,2,3,4,5,6.
In other words, after checking that the number one tower of the distributor is connected to the number one spark plug, you would check the next one (going clockwise), which should connect to number 2, then number 3, etc.
Please do this and get back to me -
My email is
[email protected] if you have any questions -
Hope this helps -