Nissan Repair: 2002 Nissan Hardbody 3000d 4x4, nissan hardbody, cab air

My cab air conditioning fan as not working.I know that the problem is the fan speed switch. It stopped working initially  on all the low speeds. i.e. only worked on high. Now it has stopped working completely. What I want to know is there an easy way to remove the switch without having to remove the entire dashboard?

Thanks for any assistance.

Hi Ian -

Before we condemn the switch, change the resistor for the fan. The fact that the fan used to work only on high indicates a bad resistor. So, re[place the resistor and that probably will do the trick. The switch rarely goes bad. The resistor is either located somewhere on the duct of the A/C system, or on the firewall in the engine compartment.

Hope this helps -