Nissan Repair: 2002 Nissan Xterra, nissan xterra, nissan dealership

I have a 2002 Nissan Xterra 2 wheel drive. It has 107,000 miles. It was running fine and I took it in to the dealer for leaking oil. They said there were 3 O rings that needed replaced and while they where at it they wanted to replace the timing belt. Had both fixed for $823.00 at the Nissan Dealership. A day later I noticed a light knock in the bottom of the engine that got worse and the red idiot light for the oil would start to blink on and off. I took it back and they said they noticed also but it had nothing to do with the work they did. They said it sounded like a rod knocking. My Question, is this coincidence or did they install the O rings wrong or even the timing belt to stop the engine from getting oil. The engine seized up 2 days later. Now it sits in my drive way. Thank You. J.Berkey

HI John -

Sorry to hear about your car. 90% of the time when an engione seizes up, it is because of lack of oil. If it was running fine before, then my guess would be that after they put in these O rings, the car leaked oil out.

Although without looking at the car (I wish I could), it seems like a faulty installation to me. My suggestion is you get another mechanic to look at the car and get his opinion. I would take some action against the dealer.

Hope this helps -