Nissan Repair: 1999 Nissan Quest No Spark, nissan quest, knock sensor

I have a 1999 Nissan Quest that I just replaced the knock sensor. When I had everything back together I got no spark. So I read codes and received a PO340 Camshaft Position Sensor, which is in the distributor. So I took the distributor down to my local distributor repair shop and they replaced the coil and did a test & check. OK. But still no spark. Rotor turns so no broken belt. Is there something I missed in the reassembly, it worked before...


If the distributor is good then check the connections to and from the distributor and coil.  Get a test light and start backprobing the power feed to the coil and see if you are getting switching voltage and check the harness to the distributor to see if it is getting power.  Check the fuse for the ignition circuit too.  If you did the disassembly and did not disconnect the battery there is a chance that a fuse blew.