Nissan Repair: It wouldnt start, whole cars, fusible link

I have a '95 nissan pick up. This morning when i started it i heard a loud buzzing sound when i started it. After a few minutes the buzzing stoped and i could smell some rubber or wire burning or mealting. Did i blow a switch or a fuse? Aslo when i try and start my whole dash borad goes black. Is it the whole cars wiring or just a switch in the starter motor?

Hi James -

Are you saying now, after you smelled the burning, now it does not start? Does your dashboard start by lighting up, and then when you try to start it goes out? Does your headlights work?

These questions are important for me to take you to the next step.

Looks like you have a short somewhere, or the fusible link blew.

Let me know -
get back to me -
