Nissan Repair: 1994 Nissan pickup - headlights, competent mechanic, nissan pickup

Hi, my headlights all of a sudden do NOT work.  The bulbs are good, and I can't find a fuse for them.  What could it be?

Hi Lynn -

Thanks for the nice note. Please tell me if your highlights work?

If it is the switch, you must remove the steering wheel with a special puller tool. I do not know your expertise as far as fixing your own vehicle is concerned, so I can't say whether you can do it or not. To me it is relatively simple, but you have to use the right tools.

Did you check your headlamps first, and find that fuse?

Let me know, and you can also email me at [email protected]


Hi Lynn -

OK, first of all - do your highlights work?

If so, you can check 2 things.

A lot of times, oone headlight burns out, and the driver does not notice it because there is still some light to drive. When the other burns out, then, of course it is noticed. So, with that said, check your headlamps, they could be both burned out. You can check your headlamps 2 ways - First, get a 12V test lamp and turn on your lights, preferably with the engine running. Touch the lamp probe to the wires that go into the headlamp one by one. At least one wire should have power to light the test lamp. If so, then replace your headlamp. the other way to check it is to simply buy a headlamp and replace it.

Although rarely - it could be the fuse. Unless some electrical work was done on the car, the fuse should be OK. It should be located in the engine compartment on one of the fenders in a plastic box with other large circuit fuses and relays. Should be clearly marked "low beam"

If your highlights do not work -

Check the headlight switch. If you do the above test with the 12V probe tester and the test lamp fails to light, it could be your headlight switch, which is located in your steering column. The steering wheel needs to be removed for access with a special puller. Take it to a competent mechanic (like me!!)hehe, and have it replaced. Do this only after checking the fuse.

Hope this helps Lynn -