Nissan Repair: 92 maxima acting wierd, competent mechanic, emmission controls

i have a 92 maxima, it runs great , but lately since i moved to AZ, sometimes if the car is at lower rpm, it shuts off, turns it back on and it is ok. sometimes at high rpms it starts jerking off and feels like it want to shut off, when i put the gas down all the way it goes to normal. the car only does this when it has not been runnin g for a while, however if i drive it for a long while the problem goes away and drives perfectly.. could it be the pcv valve?. thanx for your time..

Hi Simon

Sorry about the late reply, but I am in Hawaii, and there is a few hours -

Anyway, did you move from the north?

The air pressure difference could be a cause for this, and yes, it could be a defective PCV valve, or any one of the emmission controls, or a vaccuum leak somewhere while the vehicle is in closed loop (warming up).

I will also have to fuel pump checked if I were you for proper pressure and volume.

I would say take it to a competent mechanic and have your emmissions checked and perhaps a tune up.

Hope this helps