Nissan Repair: 1999 Nissan Plusar Radio Security Code, speciality shop, exact code

Hey there, my car just suffered a three-weeks mechanic and today when I got her back I found the radio and CD player system requires code to active, actually I confused the number but I did try by three times then the screen shows '--- --- ---'. Have you got any idea of what the exact code is? Cheers


You are going to hate this but the dealer will ahve to reset the radio or a speciality shop.  That is, unless you can power the radio down by removing it and then reinstalling it and then entering the correct code.  Supposedly, you can remove the clock fuse and wait for five minutes and reinstall it and then enter the code.  The thing here is the power to the radio has to be removed to get the radio to allow another attempt to enter the code.  Give it a shot and email me back with what you find.  It has been ten years since I had to mess with one of those radios with the codes.