Nissan Repair: Nissan truck Clutch bleeding, clutch fork, nissan truck
Questioni have been trying to bleed my clutch on my truck for the past two days and nothing is woking i replaced the master cylinder and the slave cylinder and i cant get it to work at all there is no presure at all on the pedal and the slave cylinder doesnt push the clutch fork at all and i need help cbecause i have to go to work tomarro and i have no way to get there
Bleeding the clutch sucks and takes some time to get the air out. A vacuum pump helps to draw the fluid down to the slave. But, if you are in a hurry get a person to do the pedal work. Then fill the master cylinder and have the person push the pedal to the floor and pull it back up with their toe and repeat until some pressure builds up. It will not be much at first. Then, when they put it to the floor crack open the slave bleed valve and shut it quickly. Repeat the pump and hold while you crack and close the line. If the line is open when they let up it will draw air into the system and you will have to start over. It takes some doing but it will eventually build up pressure. Make sure the master does not run dry or air will be taken in and you will have to start over.