Nissan Repair: 1998 Nissan Altima suddenly died wont start, haynes repair manual, nissan altima
Question I have a 1998 Nissan Altima with 192,000 miles. I was at a stop light, light turned green, I accelerated the car and it suddenly died.
The engine turns over, but no spark. The electrical section of my Haynes Repair Manual 1993-2004, does not coincide with my 1998 Nissan Altima. Alternator, battery, fuses, and the relays seem to be good. I am now questioning the distributor. I have also been hearing problems with crankshaft positioning sensors. I would greatly appreciate any answers.
If the car has no spark you need to start looking up stream. First, check for computer codes. If you have a scanner that would be a plus. Second, the distributor or ignition module could be blown. So, get a volt/ohm meter and back trace the circuits. Check the coil to make sure it has voltage coming to it when the key is on. If there is voltage then the trigger mechanism could be bad, crank position sensor or the distributor itself.