QuestionQUESTION: I need to replace my water pump. Where is the best place to go and get installation instructions? It can't be that hard to do and I hate paying a garage labor rates...
This is major surgery since the waterpump is in the engine and a pain to get to. Also, you have to unload the chain to get the pump free and did I mention that you have to get to it via the wheel well, with the tire and inner fender cover removed. I hate to pay shop rates but this one warrants it unless you are really into engine work. A Haynes Manual shows you how to do it and has instructions. If you want to do it get the pump from Nissan so you will get another 12 years out of it. Don't get me wrong since you can do it but following the procedures, step by step, is vital to making sure the engine does not jump timing while you change the pump. Also, change the oil and antifreeze. Lastly, use a good sensor safe silicone to seal the water pump access point as well as the tensioner access point. Both plates need to be cleaned and dry before you install them with the new sealer.
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QUESTION: i did all this, and now i still overheat, and there is now a rattle in the engine kinda like maybe the timing is off or not tensioned properly??
You can check the timing to make sure the timing has not jumped. If the car is still overheating it sounds like a blown headgasket. For $20 bucks you can purchase a kit that uses a fluid that changes color. The instructions come with the kit and basically you drain off a little fluid from the radiator so it does not get sucked up into the container. The idea is that you put this fluid into the container and place it over the radiator where the cap goes on. You suck air out of the radiator, through the fluid and if it changes color there is exhaust gas in the cooling system. This means that you have a blown headgasket or a crack somewhere in the engine. Most of the time it is just a headgasket and it is a matter of taking the heads off and replacing the gaskets.
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QUESTION: now that i had a neighbor look at it as well, we have found that the head gasket is probably blown for sure. there are fuel vapors coming out of the radiator when i cranked it today. Does that Bar's Stop Leak Head Gasket sealer stuff work? I bought a bottle and plan to flush the entire system and run this stuff through...
Any thoughts?
The stop leak is a hit or miss proposition since sometimes it works and sometimes the leak is too large for it to plug. The bad part is the stop leak likes to plug other things too. Follow the directions on the bottle buy understand that it might not work. It is important to follow the instructions to keep from plugging up the cooling system.