Nissan Repair: 84 300 zx turbo no spark no injector pulse, aftermarket stereo, injector pulse
Questioni have a 1984 300 zx turbo with no spark or injecter pulse...dist has no oil in it... cant find any good diagnostics for crank angle checking.. has 12 volts to coil and injecters but no ground pulse...on third used computer...runs for a few days then dies,,,help please
So, if you you have used computers and it works for a while and then dies something is taking out the computers. I would be checking the voltage from the alternator and if it is not over 14.2 volts I would be looking at grounds to make sure that there are no opens where the current would backfeed to the computer. Also, if you have a aftermarket stereo with an amp make sure it is properly grounded. If it is not the power will backfeed and cook electronics. Email me back with what you find. Grounds are really important.