Nissan Repair: Electrical problems, vehicle speed sensor, nissan sentra
QuestionI have just purchased a 1996 Nissan Sentra relatively cheap I knew that there were some anticipated electrical issues but still hoping the overall investment pays off .. the Situation is the stereo at one time was wired directly to the battery but there is no longer a stereo in it..and now the wires are just hanging there loose uncapped and bare ends .. the brake lights blinkers horn .. speedometer and heater defroster blowers no longer work head lights tail lights work fine blinkers light up but just do not flash and the car will start and run but when you first shut it off it doesn't start right away...It acts as though the battery is dead .. but will start after setting for a little while I am going to replace battery cable ends as they do not fit properly my question is How much trouble is this going to be to take care of overall and do you think there is a simple way to fix the mentioned issues or one main issue ?
I would get a plug for the stereo from a wrecking yard and solder in the connections and heat shrink the ends to eliminate feed back and shorts. The turn signal indicators seem like the flasher needs to be replaced. The battery terminals are simply a replacement or get a set from the wrecking yard. The assessories you list are probably related to a blown fuse on the positive battery terminal. Or a combination of that and the radio wires being messed up. The speedometer should be the vehicle speed sensor. Once you get things sorted out you can check to see if the blower motor is getting power or the blower itself is burnt out. All of this is easy but it will take time.