Nissan Repair: 1995 Nissan Altima Power Cutting Out, nissan altima, battery check

Ok so heres the situation;
The other night my car wouldn't start. Anytime I tried to start it the power would cut off. If i waited a few minutes and turned the key to the on position and turned on the head lights the power would cut out. First i find out that the battery isn't holding a charge anymore. So i buy a new battery and install it. Nothing changes. I have the new battery check and its fine so right now we believe that i might have blown a fuse when i was trying to start it. Its possible but i am not sure. Do you have any thoughts on this? If i did blow a fuse which ones would be causing this to happen every time i try to start the car or turn on the headlights?


Sounds like the alternator is not charging properly and that you have a fuse or two blown.  When the battery gets low fuses tend to pop under load.  I would check the fuses at the positive battery post first.  Then, get it started and get the electrical system inspected.  Autozone or Checker will check the system for free.