Nissan Repair: 2,000 maxima/ burning up alternators, crank angle sensor, crankshaft sensor
QuestionA (backyard) mechanic changed the alternator - third in three years -
But then the car just didn't have the same take off.
He put in another alternator and the problem seemed to get worse - would come & go - he changed one coil to no avail.
At times the steering wheel would shake, so took it to a shop they said the crankshaft sensor needs to be replaced, they are replacing it today.
The shop claims that the 1st. mechanic had to remove a cover (or something)around the crankshaft and that he damaged the sensor.
Thank you for your response.
The crank angle sensor is on the crank and it could have been damaged by road debris or a belt that blew off if the alternator locked up. And, that would cause the car to run bad and be sluggish. If you have not replaced all the coils on your maxima do so. There was a service bulletin way back and all 2000 Maxima cars will require new coils. Better milaage and performance. You could do it yourself and save if you go to or as they are something like half price and it only takes a ten millimeter socket to remove the coils. You will need an allen wrench to remove the front cover to get to the front coils. The alternator problem is probably from bad rebuilds. I have found that Pep Boys have good ones as does the dealer. I have had no luck anywhere else when it comes to getting a good rebuilt alternator. Just my thoughts as I do not think the car is eating them but the rebuilds are defective. You can get Autozone or Checker to do a free system test once you get the car out of the shop and see what the output is. It should be around 14 volts at 1500 rpms.