Nissan Repair: 1996 Nissan Quest, eastern roads, nissan quest
QuestionI replaced the motor and trany mounts (Napa) on our Quest less than 60,000 miles ago and the right rear rubber has already cracked. It is not metal to metal but it is in the same condition now as when we bought it. It now allows the motor to torque to the point that when you leave a stop, it makes a thump on the right side. When I replaced them I made sure the motor weight was on them before tightening. Any thoughts as to why it would have failed again so quickly? We don't drive on unpaved roads or bad winterized eastern roads. Though some or our roads in Oklahoma might qualify. Any ideas as to a better mount than rubber?
I always have had good luck with NAPA parts so it seems strange to me that the mount would be defective so soon. It could be that the motor mount was really old when you bought it or the rubber was defective. I would source a Nissan unit and I like or for cheap prices. Well, if you can wait a few days to get the new part. From what you say you installed the part correctly.