Nissan Repair: Squaky Bushing, control arm bushings, sway bar bushing
QuestionQUESTION: Hello, I own a 1997 Nissan Altima with 108k miles on it. The car has a very annoying squeak which occurs while riding over bumps. It comes from the drivers side in the front of the vehicle. I've had someone bounce the car while i'm under but for some reason can't find the exact spot. The sound only appears when bouncing the left front side of the car. Someone at Firestone told me it's the control arm bushing. I believe it to be that or the sway bar bushing. If it's raining and I hit a puddle the sound goes away for the day. Also, when the car is unleveled, such as with the left side going over a curb a rusty metal sound can be heard in the middle/front of the car which leads me to believe its the swaybar. Any help would be appreciated in some sort of way to narrow it down. If I do find the suspect, what type of grease could I use to silence the squeak? wd-40? balljoint grease? Thanks again.
You answered the question with WD40 to find and eliminate the noise. Problem is when the WD40 washes off the noise will come back. But, at that point you will know what it is. Either an anti-sway bar bushing or the lower control arm bushing. It has been my experience that the front lower control arm bushing on your car is the most likely suspect since I have replaced so many.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for such a speedy response. Since you have replaced many control arm bushings, how hard would the job be? Will I have to compress the spring in order to remove the control arm to get to the bushing? Mechanics want to charge me $300+ in labor and I'm not trying to pay that much for a squeak. The car is used everyday so i'm trying to find the easiest/fastest way to fix it. I was thinking to buy a control arm from a junkyard but I wouldn't know if it will still squeak. I could also buy the bushing but how hard is it to install? I've seen a few websites that show how to do it with a socket and piece of wood, looks kind of easy but as I've never done it before I don't know. How much would a shop charge to remove/install the bushing? Do I have to compress the spring to remove the control arm? What would be you suggestion? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks again.
Depending on the bushing it could be quite difficult. First, figure out which one is making the noise and then email me back and I will let you know the possibilities of home replacement. You are going to need a jack, stands, and plenty of tools to do the job. ALso, depending on which one it is you might need s press to get one bushing off and the other one on.