Nissan Repair: 2000 Nissan altima gages stop working, nissan altima, altima gxe

I have a 2000 Altima GXE with about 92000 miles that I've owned for about 4 years. For the past 2 or 3 years, the gages seem to go out at night when my lights are on. This problem sometimes corrects itself during the same trip, but often does not. Also, this summer, the gages began to go out when I started my car, if it was sitting in the sun. The gages that go out are the odometer, the speedometer, the heat sensor, the fuel gage, and the rpm gage. I've tried putting the car in cruise control to see if that would avoid the gages going out to no avail. When the gages went out, it simply cut off the cruise control... Any ideas? Please help. Thank you.

I recall a certain instance where the circuit-board behind the entire gauge panel would fail. Try calling a Nissan dealer to see if any mechanics may have dealt with this issue. They may have a way to repair it instead of replacing the whole cluster. The reason your cruise went out is because that whole cluster is actually called a combination meter assembly. It has a computer built into it controlling those items.