Nissan Repair: 1995 Maxima GXE, air control valve, diagnostic check
QuestionRecently my sons Maxima stalls when it idles. He noticed the check transmission light also comes on when this happens. We had the transmission checked, but they could find nothing wrong. Diagnostic check produced a "34" and something with the IAC motor. Had radiator replaced a year ago. Any ideas? It has 147k miles, purchased used, not sure of maintenance record.
First, the Idle Air Control Valve should be cleaned as well as the passage or replaced. Second, make sure you have new spark plugs and these should take care of the idle problem. The code 34 is the knock sensor and that needs to be replaced soon. I do not like driving with a defective knock sensor as it can cause the car to get really bad mileage as it a pre programmed map the computer runs to keep from hurting the engine. Problem is the car will run too rich and wash out the rings. Great car you have just a few problems now and then.