Nissan Repair: 1986 nissan 300zx turbo overheating, nissan 300zx, radiator fluid
Questionreplaced thermostat and radiator cap,flushed radiator but still overheating. water pump seems to be fine, but former owner removed engine cooling fan, dont know if that has something to do with it.Help, at my wits end.
You will need the factory cooling fan unless there are electric ones installed to replace it. I like the factory cooling fan and shroud since they work really well. Now, if the fan and shroud are in place and you are still overheating check to make sure the system does not have air in the system keeping the coolant from circulating. If the coolant is circulating check to make sure the timing is correct and if it is check for a blown headgasket. Autoparts stores sell a kit to check for exhaust in the radiator fluid as this is a give away that the headgasket is blown.