I have several things wrapped in one. First last week this small circuit board fell out from under the dash, I didn't notice it until I stepped on it while driving.
Then a few days later the dash froze and nothing works on it plus the battery was draining off, the auto transmition OD button is not shown on the dash so it doens't work either. I got a new battery and it drained out in 2 days.
I looked under the dash and it fell out of this small black box that is attached under the dash just behind the fuse box. I stuck it back in there but the dash is still not working.
The radio, stock cassette deck, started acting up about 2-3 weeks ago, kind of like taking a while to turn on a signal once you turn it on and at times it was very staticy when you turned it on, I think that could mean it was grounding out somewhere but I can't recall? Do you think that would be a speaker wire grounding out?
I figured this might be the drain on the battery partically but not sure so I took it out yesterday and have dismantled the dash a bit, but nothing looks weird to me, don't really know what to look for.
It has a anti theft devise attached to the ignition which I don't need really, wish I could dis mantle it?
Maybe I could take some photos of the whole deal and email them too you so you could look it over a bit? I do have a photo of the circuit board, here is the link to look at it?
I would say this has to contribute to the dash situation but don't know what the board is called to go get another one?
First, let's deal with the box and circuit board. I would go to the wrecking yard and get another and replace the one that fell a apart. Next, I would check on what is draining the battery. If there is a short it needs to be found. I would start removing fuses individually until I found the offending circuit. The radio has a filter on the power feed that keeps static out. So, I would remove the radio to access the harness behind it and you will find a small device in the harness close to the connector. This is the filter on the power feed wire. Get one from a wrecking yard, your dealer or a automotive stereo shop. If you would like to email me photographs you can send them to
[email protected]