Nissan Repair: Nissan 200SX dashboard illumination, advanced auto parts, nissan 200sx

QUESTION: I have a 1998 Nissan 200SX - the instrument light went out on dashboard - checked fuses - they're good. Does the bulb need replacing and how?

ANSWER: in order to replace the tiny bulb in the dash, you must take out your gauge cluster.  usually 4 or 6 screws.  be VERY careful when taking this out.  you will need to have a factory service manual to show you the part number, or you might get lucky and the auto zone or advanced auto parts...etc...will know the part number and give you the correct replacement.  the bulbs are behind the gauge cluster and the wires are very sensitive so take extra caution with this repair.  its not complicated, just be patient.  if this is an uncomfortable repair, any reputable shop shouldn't charge you more than an hour labor and the bulb itself is under 10 dollars.  hope this is of some help to you.   e-mail me and let me know how this turns out.  thanks!  [email protected]

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your response. Though very helpfully, I no longer think it is the bulb that is the problem. Let me set the scenario - when I turn on the headlights - the headlights go on - but dashboard doesn't illuminate and the radio light goes from being on (when the lights are out) to turning off (when the lights are on). Also, the gear shift light in between front seats does not illuminate either. Again, the fuses look good. Any other ideas to what may be the problem? Internal wiring? Computer chip? Thanks again so much for your help.

come to think of it, my 240 has this module underneath the glovebox that controls a bunch of lights, im unsure if yours has the same but its worth a shot.  my first guess on reading the follow up was a fuse.  i would recheck, and maybe replace the radio, dash fuse just for the sake of it and see what happens, who knows right. good luck chris, hope you figure it out.