Nissan Repair: nissan 240 sx 95 engine rattle, nissan 240 sx, left hand corner
QuestionHi Rob,
There is an awful racket when I start my engine. As I look at engine the rattle is in the left hand corner next to the black oil cap. Engine off... I take cap off but can see any broken metal. I replace and run for a bit and noise eases. Is this thing about to blow?
Answerhi Andrew. it sounds like your timing chain guide needs to be removed. this is HIGHLY common with our 2.4 motors. this isn't something to be too nervous about right now, but i would get this taken care of when you get a free weekend. is a great site for step by step visuals on how to do this. search for chain guide removal. its as simple as taking off the valve cover. the other one is a bit more involved but your rattling is caused from the timing chain tapping the valve cover. the noise easing is the chain slack returning back to normal length. hope this helps you. good luck with the s14. e-mail me to let me know it works out for you.
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