Nissan Repair: 96 Nissan maxima chokes up during turns and going pass 60 mph, air flow sensor, throttle position sensor
QuestionQUESTION: My 96 nissan maxima has been acting up on me, it is a manual transmission.i've changed my air intake, idle control, and air flow sensor. it drives better after the chamges but at times it still chokes up. whenever i downshift during a turn the car will seem to choke up with the needle on my rpm going up and down. when i am on the highway going 60 mph,i would release on the pedal, but when i push down on the pedal again to give it gas it would choke again. please tell me what else is there for me to do to fix my car. thank you
ANSWER: Kevin,
Check the injectors and the the throttle position sensor to see that they are working properly. That would be my first thought since what you say is going on with the engine. The air flow meter is working properly? Email me back and le tme know what you find.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have changed my air flow sensor,idle control valve,air intake filter,change the gasket for the engine manifold,got a tune up and removed the throttle to cleaned inside.My car works fine when I first run it,but when i drive for a while my car starts acting up again.Every time I hit a bump my rpm needle drops down and my car loses power until I press on the pedal again.When i press on the pedal when this happens my car shakes up as if I an not giving enough gas so it starts shaking.I hope this is enough info for you to try to help me with this problem.Thanks again
You have quite the problem where a bump causes the problem. In my experience it can be a wire that connects to the coil not being on tight, the fuel pump relay being defective and other causes I have found is the power wire on the starter or battery not being tight or corroded. It is going to take a good overview to find the problem. Email me back if you need more help.