Nissan Repair: 2004 Nissan Frontier p/u, good luck man, power steering pump

Hello Rob, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.  I have two questions that I hope you can answer for me or point me in the right direction.  

Question 1.  Whenever I make a U-turn and I hold the wheel to the left, I hear some kind of grinding noise, what could that be.  

Question 2.  I just had a tune up on my truck (69,000 miles) and had a new belt put in.  Whenever I run the A/C, it makes some squeky noise when I'm driving and sometimes, it makes some loud noise almost like screeching tires, what could that be?  Once again, thanks for your time, I really appricate it.
Chris R.

your answer solves both questions.  your belt wasnt put on tight.  reason for the grinding, the power steering pump, and the screeching, the ac isnt tight to the belt.  have this adjusted and your problems should go away.  good luck man.   let me know if this helps.  [email protected]