Nissan Repair: 2000 Nissan pathfinder 3.3L V6, mass air flow sensor, mass air flow
QuestionRecently, my 2k Nissan pathfinder was running a little rough, whenever I removed the air box, it sounded like it was starting to run fine, I decided to pull the Mass Air Flow sensor off to clean it whenever I did, I messed up and used a pair of pliers, the pliers slipped and I touched two of the wires going to the MAF together and it killed the engine, since then, I have replaced the MAF, Crank Position Sensor and ECU/ECM. I pulled a plug and attempted to crank, but there is no spark on the plug, so I pulled a wire and attempted to crank and there is only.02 volts getting through the wire, and .05 volts at the top of the distributor. I checked all connections and fuses, at the distributor I put a voltmeter on it to check if it was getting voltage and it is getting the correct amount,I am pretty sure it is getting fuel, I know it is getting fuel past the fuel filter and still has great pressure, this vehicle has never given me any trouble whatsoever, could you please help me figure out what this problem could be. I greatly appreciate it.
Thank You,
If you replaced the ECU then I would be checking for the master fuses to see if any blew when the air meter shorted. The path you follow is the air meter and then the ECU. You did both so I think a fuse or two blew. There are master fuses at the positive battery cable. Also, look in the fuse block at the ECM fuse. Email me back and let me know what you find.