Nissan Repair: Xterra Misfire, nissan xterra, volt ohm meter
QuestionQUESTION: My 2001 Nissan Xterra has a P0300 code. A friend changed the spark pluges, distributor cap after the engine light was came on and the engine was shaking. Weeks a go it was only when the car started and now it is constant. The dealership was telling me that it is because I didn't use Nissan parts and wanted to replace all the new parts with theirs. Didn't agree with that so I didn't have work on my car. Can you suggest what it might be ?
ANSWER: Sloane,
P0300 is a random misfire being detected. The code was there before the parts were changed? If so, I would be looking at the crank trigger and distributor. Now, I would look at the sparkplugs and make sure they are not cracked and gapped properly. Lastly, I would make sure the fuel is good quality.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Code was there before parts were changed and is still there now (spark plugs changed and gapped to specs.) Thanks for the suggestion I will it pass it along.
If it was there before I would be doing a diagnostics on the coil to make sure it works properly. You can get a Haynes Manual and it gives you the values and how to do the test. The book is $20 bucks as well as another $20 for the volt/ohm meter.