Nissan Repair: Timingbelt, nissan vanette, interference engine

My timingbelt broke and I want to replace it but I can't get any movement in the top pully to get it in the right position. Does that mean that I have a problem with my valves?
Nissan Vanette 2.0D 1993

unfortunately our Nissans have an interference engine.  when the timing belt/chain breaks, along goes the valves too.  you will have to remove the head and replace the valves.  its not even worth the time the straighten these, or find other possible solutions.  depending on your mechanic, this may cost you anywhere from 300-1000 dollars.  unless your a brave one, this really isn't that difficult to do by yourself its just time consuming.  im sorry to bring the bad news, but to my knowledge, this is your answer.  good luck and let me know how this turns out.  [email protected]