Nissan Repair: 96 Sentra drive axle, strut bolts, cv shaft

The driver's side drive axle on my daughter's 96 Sentra (1.4 manual transmission) needs replacement due to the CV boot being cracked open.  What is the proper procedure to removing the shaft from the wheel hub and transaxle?  It  

first off, when i read this i was thinking to myself...when did nissan make a 1.4? you have a 1.6 in your daughters sentra.  ok on to the cv removal/installation.  SAFETY FIRST.  i cannot express how often i hear about cars killing people because they did not secure the car safely in the air.  please use the proper jacks and jack stands and if you have to, use 3 jacks to hold this in the air.  just a few days ago my friends friend had a truck fall on him and its result was fatal.  while i dont mean to talk about a side story, im just expressing extreme caution when working underneath your vehicle.  ok the part number for this vehicle is 666163.  remove the locking nut and any washers and pins that are holding the shaft in place on the hub.  you may have to remove the brake calipers and anything else in the way, along with the outer tie rod end (depending on how much clearence you need) and remove the strut bolts, you shouldnt have to remove any brake lines...etc.  once the nut is removed from the outer axle, grab a hammer and pound the end of the axle till it breaks free from the hub.   once you have it removed from the hub (you may have to turn your steering wheel clock-wise to remove this completely from the hub), remove the entire shaft from the transmission.  replace cv shaft in reverse order.  its pretty simple just exercise caution with safey in mind. good luck!  let me know how it turns out.  [email protected]

oh btw, on further research i have found a link for you to download a factory service manual for your vehicle.  this will show a detailed step by step procedure on how to do this, along with every other job you need to do.  click on this link  or on this one and select 96 sentra and download the file (40 megs).  once downloaded extract the file and open up the FA file (front axle).  this will show you a detailed description on this job.  btw, you have also downloaded everything else you need to know on this vehicle.  have fun :)