Nissan Repair: blown fuel pump fuse, 1997 chevy cavalier, chevy cavalier
Questionmy 1997 chevy cavalier keeps blowing the fuel pump fuse the fuel pump was just replaced and everthing seems to be fine on it could it be a relay and how do i find out if it is
Answermy "expertise" is in nissan repair but i will answer this to my knowledge on vehicle repair as a whole. if your pump fuse is popping, then you have a short somewhere, or you are allowing too much electricity through your wiring between your pump and your fuse. the only way to properly fix this problem is to inspect the wiring from your pump to your fuse, and replace the relay as well. i would also try replacing your "new" pump. you didnt mention if this was a new item or a used item, but this could also be the problem as well. dealing with used, you never know what you are buying, but i reccomend it 90% of the time because of $$$. if it is new, i would take it back and request another one, or another brand all together. all my suggestions should lead you to the result you are looking for....a working vehicle! good luck!