Nissan Repair: 1998 Nissan Pulsar Alarm Problem??, body control module bcm, cherp
QuestionHi, My Pulsar has started to play up with a few things. Frist one: While driving the radio turns it self of and on when I turn the Aircon on (only if the A/C selection is on) Second: It has started to play up regarding the alarm, when I deactivate it is almost doesn't cherp at all sounds like a dying kids toy if you know what I mean, it also is reseting the clock in the car and the central locking isnt working when you use the alarm. Third: It has started to engage the alarm even if I don't arm the car, I go to start it and its like the imobiliser has kicked in but after 5mins or so of trying to start it its like it resets and vooom off we go. Does this sound like a wire problem or a battery problem? Thanks for your time! Guy
A couple of things here. First, I would check the grounds for the dash where all the systems tie to the frame. Grounds are located on each side under the dash as well as the middle. Make sure they are tight. Second, I would be checking the battery connection to make sure all is tight as well as the fuel panel. If all of these are good then you are looking at the body control module (BCM) is in need of replacement. Email me back with what you find.