Nissan Repair: 1999 Frontier Heater Core Leaking, heater hoses, nissan frontier
QuestionHello, I have a 1999 Nissan Frontier Pickup 2.4L 2x4. I noticed antifreeze on the ground and after tracking its source; I located it coming from the bottom hose connection to the heater core going into the fire wall. I have not noticed any antifreeze smell in the cab and the floor is not wet. I believe the heater core is ready to let go. I would guess that connection to the hose is bad or the heater core is weak in that area.
1. How hard/difficult is it to change the heater core on frontier.
2. What do I have to do in order to change the heater core.
3. Is it easy to get to it?
Von Sudderth, any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks in advance, Al
To replace the heater core you need to get the factory service manual at It only costs $20 bucks to get access to the service manual. Download the service manual in .pdf format. You will have to remove the glovebox. And, the airconditioning box to access the heater core. Also, be sure to purchase new heater hoses and clamps. The heater core is not my favorite job as it does take most of the day.